I don’t know about you, but it seems that after every tech or customer support call, more regularly than ever before, I’m asked to complete a customer satisfaction survey. I’m pleased to see that companies are paying closer attention to the customer experience. B2B and B2C companies know that customers have many options when choosing their partners or vendors.
Our industry is no different, except that companies are sprouting up weekly claiming to have the latest, most innovative technology that will protect against cybersecurity attacks. At Ericom, we are committed to customer satisfaction, not only because it’s the right way to do business, but it’s also the only way to be successful. Satisfied, even blissful, customers become loyal customers and loyal customers become devotees who tell others.
NPS Background
According to the website netpromoter.com, the Net Promoter Score®, or NPS®, measures customer experience and predicts business growth. In our case, our 2020 score of 50 was very strong and we were proud to report that we had record growth in 2021.
The NPS metric measures how likely a customer is to recommend a company or product to a friend or coworker. In Ericom’s case, the NPS represents the answer to this basic question: “How likely is a customer to recommend Ericom and its solutions to a friend, colleague, or business associate?”
We use our yearly NPS as the key measurement to assess our customers’ experience with our company. It is calculated by taking the percentage of respondents who enthusiastically recommend Ericom — classified as “Promoters” in NPS terms — and subtracting the percentage of respondents who had a negative experience with Ericom – “Detractors” in NPS terms. Respondents to our survey are grouped as follows, based on the likelihood that they would recommend Ericom and its solutions:
NPS scores above zero are typically considered good, while scores below zero suggests that the business needs to improve its customer experience.
Ericom’s NPS Score
Ericom’s 2021 score of 53 is very strong and shows continued growth from 40 in 2019, to 50 in 2020.
When benchmarked against other companies in the software industry, the story gets even better as we placed in the 90th percentile.
In May 2021, Ericom introduced ZTEdge, a Zero Trust Cloud Security solution and dramatically expanded its SaaS security offerings via the Ericom Global Cloud. Therefore, SaaS provider benchmarks are also a relevant comparison. Recent data puts the average SaaS provider NPS for 2021 at 30, indicating that Ericom is doing quite well in comparison to other SaaS vendors. While we’re pleased with these results and what they say about the impact of our efforts to improve our customer experience, we know there is still more we can do — and we are committed to doing it.
Every function, from Product Development to Customer Support, from Marketing/Sales to Legal, has an important role to play in the Ericom customer experience lifecycle. Each of our department leaders constantly looks for ways to enhance customer engagement in 2021. As we further enhance our Zero Trust security solutions, like our Remote Browser Isolation (RBI) cloud service, and roll out completely new Zero Trust security service offerings, customer feedback will be incorporated and closely measured throughout the process.
We’re proud of our 2021 NPS results and what it tells us about how our customers feel about the work that we do. I look forward to checking in with you next year to report on our 2022 results. Knowing what we have planned, I’m optimistic we’ll have some good news to share!
The post Ericom Customers Boost the Company’s Net Promoter Score Once Again appeared first on Ericom Blog.
*** This is a Security Bloggers Network syndicated blog from Ericom Blog authored by NICK KAEL. Read the original post at: https://blog.ericom.com/ericom-net-promoter-score/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=ericom-net-promoter-score
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