Jayant M Tinaikar, whose tip-off led to the arrest of Abdul Karim Telgi in the multi-crore stamp paper scam, was attacked by unidentified armed assailants on the outskirts of Belagavi city in Karnataka on Friday.
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According to the Belagavi rural police, the masked assailants waylaid Tinaikar’s car and assaulted him using rods before fleeing.
The whistleblower was admitted to a hospital in Khanapur and later moved to Belagavi. He had faced life threats earlier too.
In 2001, Tinaikar’s call to then Bengaluru city police commissioner H T Sangliana led to the arrest of Telgi from Ajmer. Before this, he had provided regular inputs to police. The mastermind of the fraud, Telgi was sentenced to 30 years in prison and died in jail due to illness in Victoria Hospital.
Tinaikar has remained low key after contesting the 2004 Lok Sabha elections.
He has recently appeared in a documentary in which he shared his insights on the scam.
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