GRAND RAPIDS, Mich. (WOTV)- Cybersecurity is a form of protection near and dear to many individuals. While older adults are more susceptible to identity theft and cybercrimes, falling victim to the illegal use of personal information can happen to anyone. In today’s digital age where much of our communication relies on using cellphones, computers, and other smart devices, how can we protect ourselves from falling into the trap of cyber thieves? If this is a question that you’ve been asking, then you’ll want to tune into Tuesday’s episode of AARP Real Possibilities.
Brett Johnson is the first chief criminal officer at Arkose Labs, a keynote speaker, podcast host, cybercrime identity theft, and cybersecurity expert. While his accolades have allowed him to help organizations, community groups, and individuals protect themselves from crimes, he credits his immense skill set to his past.
Johnson committed 39 cybercrimes and served time in prison, but he turned his life around using his knowledge to help others avoid fraud. He joins Paula D. Cunningham to share important tips on protecting their identity. Johnson recommends not giving out information related to social security numbers and driver’s license information.
“I talk about this all the time. I truly do. We have to be vigilant about our information. We have to,” Johnson emphasizes in the interview.
Learn more by watching the interview above.
About AARP Real Possibilities
Real Possibilities by AARP Michigan is a weekly TV show which airs every Tuesday on WOTV 4 Women in West Michigan at noon. Real Possibilities strives to improve the quality of life for older adults with advice and insights to show life’s real possibilities from partner businesses in Michigan.
All episodes are archived here for you to stream 24/7/365, so enjoy the shows and discover all the real possibilities for you!
(Sponsored by AARP Michigan)
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