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NRB Day Three Confronts Antisemitism, Censorship and Cancel Culture | #socialmedia | #hacking | #aihp


NASHVILLE — The National Religious Broadcasters (NRB) wrapped up a third day packed with workshops, forums and special sessions designed to equip Christian broadcasters to reach their audiences effectively in a time of information overload. Several of the day’s discussions focused on three growing threats in American media: censorship, cancel culture and antisemitism.

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Tony Perkins, president of Family Research Council, led a discussion on how Christians and conservatives face censorship online. Panel experts included Christopher Dolan, president and executive editor of The Washington Times, Dennis Prager, host of The Dennis Prager Show and founder of PragerU, and Heather Wilson and Jacob Wells, co-founders of GiveSendGo.

A second panel, moderated by Lucas Miles, author of “The Christian Left: How Liberal Thought Has Hijacked the Church,” discussed how Christians should engage a culture that at times is hostile to biblical and conservative values. Participants included John Cooper from the band Skillet, Allie Beth Stuckey, host of Relatable podcast on BlazeTV, Darrell Harrison, dean of social media at Grace To You, and author and nationally-syndicated radio host Eric Metaxas. Among the issues the panelists discussed were progressive Christianity, Critical Race Theory, Marxism, gender ideology, religion and public health and biblical orthodoxy.

In the morning NRB also hosted its annual “Breakfast to Honor Israel.” Thursday’s sold-out event, featuring Rev. Johnnie Moore as keynote speaker, called on Christian media professionals to double down on support for Israel and was dedicated to the theme of combatting antisemitism. Earlier in the week, NRB announced it was adopting, as a trade organization, the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA) definition of antisemitism, which states:

“Antisemitism is a certain perception of Jews, which may be expressed as hatred toward Jews. Rhetorical and physical manifestations of antisemitism are directed toward Jewish or non-Jewish individuals and/or their property, toward Jewish community institutions and religious facilities.”

Troy A. Miller, CEO of NRB:

“NRB is proud to host the Breakfast Honoring Israel each year. We hope this year’s event will serve as a call to action to our members and partner organizations to fight antisemitism, in particular by adopting an accurate and contemporary definition of antisemitism, such as IHRA, which equips us to recognize and stand against this form of hatred today.”

For the full list of speakers, the schedule, hotel information, sponsorship opportunities, exhibit booth reservations, registration, and more at NRB 2022, visit

National Religious Broadcasters (NRB) is a nonpartisan, international association of Christian communicators whose member organizations represent millions of listeners, viewers and readers. NRB’s mission is two-fold: To protect the free speech rights of our members to speak Biblical truth, by advocating those rights in governmental, corporate, and media sectors; and To foster excellence, integrity, and accountability in our membership by providing networking, educational, ministry, and relational opportunities. Learn more at

The annual NRB Christian Media Convention is the largest nationally and internationally recognized event dedicated solely to assist those in the field of Christian communications. The dynamic and award-winning Exposition consists of dozens of organizations and is an active marketplace for those seeking products and services to enhance their own organization. Learn more at

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