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Innovative Ways Cloud Computing Is Impacting Healthcare | #cloudsecurity | #hacking | #aihp

[ad_1] Cloud-based platforms have become an integral part of healthcare institutions today, providing advanced options for security, cost savings, and automation. Cloud computing is the key enabler of digital transformation. And when it comes to healthcare, the technology is applied to bring new capabilities to market more swiftly, reduce costs, optimize workflows, and scale proficiently […]


What are officials doing about pandemic fraud? | #phishing | #scams | #hacking | #aihp

[ad_1] CHARLOTTE, N.C. — Pandemic aid? Or pandemic fraud?  Let’s connect the dots.  Cases are piling up involving people who stole hundreds of thousands and even millions of dollars in federal pandemic relief aid.  Federal Investigators have questioned nearly every aspect of the Small Business Administration’s spending, flagging billions of dollars in suspect loans, overpayments […]


How CNN, Fox News and Other TV Networks Are Covering Ukraine | #cybersecurity | #cyberattack | #hacking | #aihp

[ad_1] Across television news on Thursday, the coverage included haunting overhead shots of the emptied streets of Kyiv, punctuated by the sounds of air raid sirens and occasional explosions. Some correspondents narrated the events from the safety of hotel room balconies; others were seen wearing flak jackets and helmets in more perilous situations. Clarissa Ward, […]


How Twitter forced us to hate | #socialmedia | #hacking | #aihp

[ad_1] It is hard not to be cynical about “the media” these days, especially if you work in it. Spend any significant amount of time reading newspapers and magazines, watching cable news, or following discussions on Twitter, and you notice that a great deal of what is written and broadcast has a drearily predictable quality. […]