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deals open door for cybercrime | #cybercrime | #computerhacker

Cyber Monday offers a lot of enticing deals to kick off the holiday shopping season. But Jon Paradise from Town & Country Federal Credit Union has some advice to help get your shopping done without spending your way into debt or opening yourself up to cybercrime. Paradise says that retailers publish and push their best Cyber Monday deals, but it might not be what it seems. Stick to reliable, trusted websites and retailers. While many popups, sponsored content, and even emails that we see are legitimate offers, some are scams. They may be phishing for personal or financial data, or they may use your click to launch malicious malware. Update your operating software and apps so that you are using current, updated versions. Use only secure payment methods. Pay with credit rather than debt to protect your financial resources. Avoid shopping on public Wi-Fi connections. Always check for the “https” on the URL and the closed lock indicating secure encryption for the transaction. Enable two-factor authentication on online accounts to keep them secure.

Cyber Monday offers a lot of enticing deals to kick off the holiday shopping season.

But Jon Paradise from Town & Country Federal Credit Union has some advice to help get your shopping done without spending your way into debt or opening yourself up to cybercrime.

Paradise says that retailers publish and push their best Cyber Monday deals, but it might not be what it seems.

Stick to reliable, trusted websites and retailers.

While many popups, sponsored content, and even emails that we see are legitimate offers, some are scams.

They may be phishing for personal or financial data, or they may use your click to launch malicious malware.

Update your operating software and apps so that you are using current, updated versions.

Use only secure payment methods. Pay with credit rather than debt to protect your financial resources.

Avoid shopping on public Wi-Fi connections.

Always check for the “https” on the URL and the closed lock indicating secure encryption for the transaction.

Enable two-factor authentication on online accounts to keep them secure.


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