A senior citizen from Garbada taluka had approached the police after he received a series of abusive calls and lewd messages on his phone. The police registered an offence and tried to track the sender and much to their surprise, it was found that the accused was a relative of the man who just wanted to annoy the senior citizen sans enmity.
“The youth only wanted to trouble the complainant. He did not make any demands or blackmail the man,” said Dahod superintendent of police Dr Rajdeepsinh Jhala.
Another youth belonging to Nansalai in Jhalod taluka too got into major trouble after he created a fake Instagram profile in the name of a girl. A WhatsApp group was also made in the girl’s name where lewd messages were being shared.
Investigations revealed that the profile as well as group was created by one Pankaj Damor who happened to know the girl. Damor is currently staying in Surat and allegedly used his phone to commit the crime. He was arrested by the Dahod police in connection with the offence.
Two youths from south Gujarat were arrested in connection with a cyber fraud that was being operated through an Instagram profile promising high returns in cryptocurrency. The complainant from Limdi came across the profile and getting lured by the high returns, transferred different amounts over a period of time to the accused.
The complainant lost money amounting to Rs 12 lakh to cybercrooks. He approached the police and officials traced the accused in south Gujarat. Two persons Tarun Chaudhary, a resident of Panchol village in Dolvan taluka of Tapi district, and Rahul Akhade, a resident of Bardoli in Surat district were arrested by the police in this connection.
Jhala said that in all 28 offences of cybercrime were registered by the Dahod police in the recent past and investigations were started.
“We have detected these three cases during the last couple of days and teams are working on other cases too,” he said.