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Software updates for SE1 | MacRumors Forums | #macos | #macsecurity | #hacking | #aihp

I had been having awful battery problems with this ancient SE 2016 but recently that seems fixed. I’m not sure if it’s the latest update or just magic/coincidence. It’s now back to lasting all day or two days with light use and it doesn’t seem to randomly drain the battery anymore 🤞. So I’m having second thoughts about buying a new phone, especially since none of them are as small as this. I’ve heard that it probably won’t be able to get iOS 16 but that there should be security patches for iOS 15 for years to come. How does that work? Will these updates just happen automatically? Will it be just as secure as iOS 16? Will it warn me when these patches are finished and there’s no more? I imagine my phone will just keep asking me to upgrade to iOS 16 and telling me it’s not possible.


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