RANCHI: In a groundbreaking effort to tackle the growing menace of cybercrime across the country, the Indian Cyber Crime Coordination Centre (I4C), under the Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA) and Jharkhand Police has launched the Pratibimb app. This innovative web application is set to redefine the way law enforcement agencies tackle online criminal activities, offering a powerful new tool in the ongoing battle against digital threats.
This innovative web application not only aggregates data but also employs geospatial mapping to pinpoint the physical locations of mobile numbers associated with cybercrimes. The platform is accessible only to authorized officers, providing them with an invaluable edge in tracking down digital wrongdoers.
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Mapping the Cyber Threat Landscape
Collecting Data Nationwide: Pratibimb compiles data from all corners of the country daily. This wealth of information is then shared with the central database via the Indian Cyber Crime Coordination Center (I4C). The data provided by I4C contains the mobile numbers of individuals involved in cybercriminal activities.
Crucial Collaboration: The next step in the process is a collaboration with mobile service providers. Pratibimb shares the gathered mobile numbers with these providers, who, in turn, send back geo-location information to law enforcement agencies. This information is derived from SMS messages received from the service providers.
“Collaboration among states is crucial in combating this digital menace effectively. The Pratibimb app, which collects and processes crime data centrally through the Indian Cyber Crime Coordination Center (I4C), stands as a pioneering solution that promises to bridge the gap between different states in their fight against cybercrime,” said a senior police officer.
Advantages of Pratibimb platform
One of the primary advantages of the Pratibimb app is its ability to project mobile numbers used in cybercrimes across the entire country onto a Geographic Information System (GIS) map. This visual representation allows law enforcement and service providers to ascertain the physical location of these numbers, even if they are being used for criminal activities in a different part of the country.
According to a senior officer, once the mobile details of the cybercriminal are confirmed investigators can block the SIM used in crime and block the mobile phone being used by them.
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To further enhance their efforts, the Jharkhand Police organized a workshop where top officials, including the Director-General of Police (DGP) of Jharkhand, addressed the attendees. Key discussions revolved around topics such as helpline number 1930, hotspot crimes against women and children, and the CCPWC Scheme.
Officials from the Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA), Interpol, CBI participated, highlighting the importance of international cooperation and cyber awareness in combating cybercrime.
The launch of the Pratibimb app and the discussions at the JCCT workshop signify a significant stride in the fight against cybercrime in India. With geospatial intelligence and enhanced capabilities, law enforcement agencies and the public are better equipped to combat this ever-evolving threat in the digital landscape.
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