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CyberScotland week to combat the growing rise in cyber-crime | #cybercrime | #computerhacker

The sixth annual CyberScotland Week will take place with experts from across the country, and in partnership with the Scottish Government, Cyber and Fraud Centre Scotland, and Police Scotland. 

The week-long program from 26 February to 3 March next year will have events dedicated to raising awareness and preparedness among businesses, organisations and individuals across the country. 

The event comes on the heels of a particularly poor year in cybersecurity breaches. According to an estimate from the National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC), over 2 million cases of cyber-fraud were reported by UK businesses in the past year, and 49,000 cases directly attributed to cyber-crime. 

According to research from Vodafone, over half (54%) of SMEs had experienced some sort of cyber-attack last year, up from 39% in 2020. Of these, one in five said the attack cost their business up to £4,200. 

“CyberScotland Week offers businesses, individuals, and organisations a chance to learn about the support available across the partnership. Events taking place across Scotland, from Lerwick to Lockerbie, will not only educate business owners on how to embed resilience within their practices, but will also provide valuable insights for individuals of all ages on how best to protect themselves online,” said Clare El Azebbi, chair of the CyberScotland Partnership.


“By raising awareness of online threats  and sharing accessible, comprehensive advice on how to combat it, CyberScotland Week is set to help create a more resilient and protected Scotland.”

This year’s themes for CyberScotland Week include fostering collaboration, diversity, and cyber resilience, as well as uniting professionals and organisations under the shared vision of improved cybersecurity. This involves intelligence sharing, strategic planning, and resource allocation. 


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